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Winter Paw Care

The weather outside is frightful, and your dog’s paws need to stay delightful. If you’re concerned about winter paw care, here are some ways to keep your pet’s paws safe this winter season. We are in Loxahatchee Groves, FL, and want to be your veterinarian. Give our office a call at (561) 619-7600. We at Anzer Animal Hospital are here to help.

Winter Paw Care Tips

Cold weather can mean dry chapping or cracking paws for our beloved pets, especially in areas with salting and de-icing sprays (which can lead to chemical burns). How to protect those precious paws? Here are some ways:

Hydration: By keeping your pet fully hydrated, the paw pad and skin of you may be able to help his paws be in better health.

Moisturize: By using a good paw balm or wax, you’re giving a barrier against salt, ice, and those harmful chemicals. It also helps soothe the paw, making it less likely to crack and bleed.

Short walks: Lessen the amount of time spent on walks so that you aren’t out in the cold too long.

Booties: Dog booties can help protect from winter’s hazards and they can have non-slip additions that will keep your pet stable.

Weekly checks: Look at the paw pad as well as the area between the toes. Check for cracking, bleeding, redness, sores, or any other abnormalities. Licking might be one of the first signs that something is wrong.

Groom: Keeping a good grooming schedule, especially for the feet, can help keep your pet’s winter paw care in check. By trimming excess fur from between the toes, ice cannot form as easily there while they are on walks or playing.

Keep up with nutrition: By keeping your pet healthy and eating good nutritious food and snacks, you’re helping their immunity and keeping their health in check. This can help with circulation and the overall health of the paw pad.

Visit Us for More Information

If you need a veterinarian for your beloved pet, give us at Anzer Animal Hospital a call at (561) 619-7600. We’re here for all of Loxahatchee Groves, FL.

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